How to install OpenMage LTS

You are on the right track

OpenMage LTS provides you with better user experience, a more transparent and open development process, bug fixes, performance improvements and a sound security vulnerability reporting program.

What is OpenMage LTS

The OpenMage LTS project is a community-supported fork of Magento CE. Our goal is to support the continued use of Magento as an eCommerce platform for the thousands of merchants who have built their businesses on this incredible platform.

OpenMage LTS secure your investment

It's likely that you've invested more time and money into your Magento-based eCommerce platform than you even want to think about. With your help, we'd like to make sure that investment continues to pay its dividends.

Install OpenMage

Install via composer

The suggested way to install this Magento 1 Fork is via composer. For this we know of two working installers with support for the magento core as dependency.

Step 1: Create a new composer project

composer init

Step 2: Configure composer. The below options are required. You can see all options here.

# Allow composer to apply patches to dependencies of magento-lts
composer config --json extra.enable-patching true

# Configure Magento core composer installer to use magento-lts as the Magento source package
composer config extra.magento-core-package-type magento-source

# Configure the root directory that magento-lts will be installed to, such as "pub", "htdocs", or "www"
composer config extra.magento-root-dir pub

Step 3: Require magento-core-composer-installer

# PHP 7
composer require "aydin-hassan/magento-core-composer-installer":"~2.0.0"

# PHP 8
composer require "aydin-hassan/magento-core-composer-installer":"^2.1.0"

Note: be sure to select y if composer asks you to trust aydin-hassan/magento-core-composer-installer.

Step 4: Require the appropriate version of magento-lts

# Latest tagged v20 series release
composer require "openmage/magento-lts":"^20.0.0"

# Legacy v19 tagged release (Magento 1.9.4.x drop-in replacement supported until April 4, 2025)
composer require "openmage/magento-lts":"^19.4.0"

# Latest on "main" development branch
composer require "openmage/magento-lts":"dev-main"

# Latest on "next" development branch
composer require "openmage/magento-lts":"dev-next"

Note: be sure to select y if composer asks you to trust magento-hackathon/magento-composer-installer or cweagans/composer-patches.